Hello everyone!
Well, it has been a while since I blogged! Let me say, I was and still embracing JOMO.
Sounds new?
It is certainly not the Fear Of Missing Out but the Joy Of Missing Out!

Let’s retrace back…
Has FOMO taken priority in your life?
The constant urge to be in the social media routine of things. Or to be in the hurry scurry of the trending things.
And not wondering if it adds value to your life or whether it is helping you constructively. But just about doing things blindly for the FOMO.
But there is a beautiful way of consciously enjoying your time by doing things that you love and value.
Though I have been practising JOMO, it is only now that I want to share this with you all, thanks to me being in JOMO.
So how do you go about practising JOMO?
Let me list out a few things –
1. Make a list of things that help you unwind –
It could be writing, listening to music, doodling; well you know what I am trying to say.
2. Identify a space or nook in your home where you won’t be disturbed –
This would be the place where you could unwind and revel in your valuable unwinding activity
3. You could also choose an outdoor activity –
Something like Running, Cycling, Hiking, Walking, Gardening, playing a sport
4. Spend time consistently on this activity –
Though we might have various activities, setting aside some time for the things that help us unwind is very important.
5. Reflecting on whether this activity is helping in improving the quality of your life –
It is always fair to ask yourself if this is helping you or not and assess whether to continue or not.
6. Being content –
A lot of insecurities arise from being discontent with what you have materialistically or the act of having everything under your control. When one embraces the feeling of being grateful for the things or situations that is and more importantly accepting things for what it is then one feels rewarded as well as content.
7. Being in the moment –
Past is not in your hands, future is yet to be heard or seen but what’s with you currently is the present moment. OR should I put it as “Life is what happens to you when you are unconsciously scrolling on your smartphone!” When you work on things which matter at the moment then you can’t be stressed about the past or worried about the future.
Ain’t the above easy and worthwhile? Well, do let me know when you try it out.
There is a lot that you can do when you know what touches your soul and lights up your mood. It is time we call FOMO passe and embrace the beauty of JOMO!
If you ask me, I have thoroughly enjoyed being away from the social drama of things.
I have chosen a career in the outdoors more so in the Himalayas as a Trek Leader. This has given be ample time to spend quality time in the mountains, to reflect on my needs, to introspect on the life out here, to retrospect on the choices I have made and to explore life in all authenticity.
I don’t shy away by saying that it has been difficult, challenging, overwhelming and a lot more grueling at times. But these times and challenges is what makes you more aware about yourself.
It is not just physically being away from the social mundane of things but also selecting the amount of screen time or how much of relevant content that you want to share with the world.
All in all, it has been a life of delving into the unknown and learning about myself in an unchartered terrain. This has helped me realize my limitations, my strengths and more so about LIFE!